Serving Customers Since 1996 

Concrete Anchor Bolts – 3/8″ x 5″ Stainless Steel


3/8″ x 5″ Stainless Steel wedge expansion anchor bolts with full thread.

When choosing an achor, the diameter of the anchor equals the diameter of the hole you are using them for.

  • These anchors are useful to fasten side wall curtain bracket plates to cement, gating tie downs and various other uses to fasten items to concrete.
  • Anchors may be used in hole depths exceeding the length of the concrete anchor, as they are non bottom-bearing.
  • Anchor bolts come with a nut and washer.
  • These Stainless Steel wedge type anchors have a heavy duty pull-out and shear capacity.
  • $1.49 per unit.