Serving Customers Since 1996 

BarnTalk Wireless Temperature Sensor # BT-TS-03-00

Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $185.75.

Connects wirelessly to the BarnTalk Gateway.

With an 8’ lead on the probe and a wider temperature range than the indoor temperature sensor, this sensor is ideal for monitoring external temperature, refrigerator and freezer temperatures, as well as the standard uses of the indoor temperature sensor.

The BarnTalk Outdoor Temp Sensor connects wirelessly to the BarnTalk Gateway, which is the brains of the system.

The gateway includes built-in cellular connectivity for rural areas with reliable connectivity out of the box.

No landline, WiFi or cell phone plan needed.

  • Real-Time Monitoring of temps 24/7 inside the BarnTalk mobile app.
  • Daily Overview graph of temp trends
  • Instant Alerts allow you to quickly respond to temp changes via text, phone call or push notification from the BarnTools app.
  • Flexible uses: The 8-foot lead and wider temp range makes it ideal for monitoring indoor temperature, external temperature or fridge and freezer temperatures.
  • Measures from -22°F – 122°F
  • Included Battery with 2-3 Year Life
  • IP67 Waterproof and Dustproof Rated.
  • Tested for Maximum Durability in Harsh Conditions
  • Self-Testing alarm: BarnTalk completes a self-test every 2 minutes and sends an alert if the system doesn’t respond.

The outdoor temperature sensor should be placed within ~700 feet of the BarnTalk Gateway. On multi-barn sites, the temperature sensor’s range can often extend across multiple buildings depending on proximity.

BarnTalk is the only wireless barn alarm with certified multi-carrier connectivity built right into the system. It works even where your phone has no service.  Once you plug the BarnTalk Gateway into power, it connects to the strongest local cell tower, regardless of carrier, eliminating the need for a landline, WiFi, or hotspot.

BarnTalk sends alarms via push notification, SMS text message or phone call based on the user’s preferences.

For optimal alarms and monitoring, you’ll need a BarnTalk subscription. This subscription covers connectivity and data costs.

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 8 in